



  • Ask about a FREE 3-minute training course that all climbing gyms will be happy to give.
  • Check each other's harness, knot, belay device and anchor before every climb. It is your only safety device.
  • Always use Ground Anchor.
  • Use standard climbing commands: "Belay on!", "Climb on!", "Take" (see "Climbing Commands" below)
  • Climbers should never climb faster than the belayer can keep the rope secure. The belayer should let them know if they need to slow down.
  • Stay on a course and avoid crossing other ropes.
  • GRAVITY WORKS - Climbers should never climb directly above or below others on the wall. In case of a fall, the only way is straight down.
  • Remove all jewelry, watches, keys, etc. These objects can cause injury and break.
  • Keep your eyes open! Always offer to help a climber in trouble. You could be the one who saves their life.

  Communication between climber and belayer is Imperative.

    USED IN EVERY CLIMB: (see Rock CLimbing Commands video demonstration at Right ->>> )

  • "On Belay" Climber to belayer: I am ready to climb. Am I secure?
  • "Belay On" Belayer to climber: I have you on belay and safe.
  • "Climbing" Climber to belayer: I am climbing up now.
  • "Climb on" Belayer to climber: Okay, I'm ready. Go ahead and climb.
  • "Take" Climber to belayer: Pull the rope very tight and lower me.
  • "Descend" Belayer to climber: Okay, I'm Have you safelty. Go ahead and descend.


  • "Off belay" Climber to belayer: I am safe and you can take me off belay.
  • "Belay off" Belayer to climber: I understand that you're safe and am taking you off belay.
  • "Slack" Climber to belayer: Give me some slack or loose rope and don't hold the rope so tight.
  • "Up rope" Climber (with a top-rope) to belayer: Pull any slack in the rope up tight.


Climbing indoors involves both a physical as well as a mental challenge. You not only must challenge your body PHYSICALLY, but a MENTAL challenge in which route you choose, Often retreating a few feet then taking a different route. It gets your blood pumping and works many different muscles groups and can isolate certain muscles. Imagine taking 10 pound dumbells with you when jogging. It doesn't seem to be much of a challenge, does it? But, remember, the when you get fatigued or tired, you still must carry those weights back home. Rock climbing can be very similar as you are still on a wall and NOT on the ground yet.


While rock climbing is often seen as a way to get outside and enjoy nature, when done properly it can also provide many exercise benefits. Whether you are interested in improving your cardiovascular health, toning muscles or losing weight, rock climbing may be just what the doctor ordered... or should have!

Improved Cardiovascular Health

One of the most important benefits associated with rock climbing is the effect on your cardiovascular health. First of all, Remember that with ANY exercise, you increase oxygen to the blood. Your cardiovascular system is composed of your heart, veins, arteries and other components that help both in the delivery of blood to the heart as well as from the heart to the rest of your body. When your cardiovascular system is not working properly, you can experience negative results such as increased shortness of breath, dizziness or heart attacks. Research has found that the best way to improve your cardiovascular system is by participating in exercise that challenges the heart and other organs. Some examples of cardiovascular activity include walking, biking, swimming and rock climbing. If you have a low tolerance to cardiovascular activity, be sure to start slowly and work your way up. Research by the American Medical Association has found that this amount of time is optimal in order to achieve the greatest cardiovascular health benefits.

Weight Loss

Another exercise benefit associated with rock climbing is weight loss. In one pound of fat there are 3500 calories. Therefore, in order to lose one pound of weight per week, you must eliminate 500 calories each day. This can be done in a number of ways. First, you can change your diet around so that you are eating 500 fewer calories. Secondly, you can exercise enough that you burn 500 calories. Finally, you can use some combination of diet and exercise in order to achieve your weight loss goals. While most people find that using a combination of these two components works best, exercise is probably the most important factor. Rock climbing at a moderate intensity for around one hour will burn around 400 calories.

Increased Muscle Tone

Finally, one of the most obvious exercise benefits associated with rock climbing is the increase in muscle mass and tone. Rock climbing is a great exercise because it targets muscles in the arms, chest, back, and even the legs. This makes it a great exercise for people who don't have a whole lot of time. They can get a total body exercise in with only one type of workout!

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Click Here for Video Information on Standard Communication Commands for Rock Climbing.

Click Here for Video Information on Dynamic Ab and Full Body Exercises.
